Pour la restauration d ela libre circulation de l'information entre l'Europe et la Russie (à l'exclusion de la propagande de guerre et de la désinformation)
For the restoration of the free flow of information between Europe and Russia (at the exclusion of war propaganda and disinformation). <a rel="me" href="https://mastodon.top/@lange">Mastodon</a>
Comité Denis Diderot
Denis Diderot Committee

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Спутник Свобода на русском языке
Promotional video clip
of the Svoboda Satellite Package
RSF Officially Launches Svoboda Satellite Package to Provide Independent Journalism to Russian-Speaking Population
On 5 March, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) officially launched the Svoboda Satellite Package, a pioneering initiative. Nine Russian-speaking TV and radio channels are now broadcast on Eutelsat’s popular Hotbird satellite at 13E to territories including Russia, occupied territories of Ukraine and Baltic countries. It proves that democracies can export independent journalism, to reverse the logic of propaganda.
The launch event of the Svoboda Satellite Package took place in Brussels on 5 March at the European Parliament, hosted by member of the European Parliament Andrus Ansip, with the participation of Vera Jourova, Vice-President of the European Commission, and in the presence of Russian civil society representatives and European members of Parliament. The RSF Secretary General Christophe Deloire and project director Jim Phillipoff officially announced that the package is live and unencrypted.
Named after the Russian word for "freedom," the Svoboda Satellite Package is a comprehensive broadcasting solution designed to bring reliable news sources to regions and populations fed by disinformation and propaganda. The package is accessible to 4.5 million households within the Federation of Russia and approximately 800 thousand in occupied Ukraine. All of these households currently watch television from this satellite position and do not require any additional equipment to view the new channels.
The first offer of the Svoboda Satellite Package includes a diverse array of content providers such as Echo, Radio Sakharov, Current Time, Euroradio, TV8, Ost/West 24, as well as other composite channels featuring Dimitry Gordon, Irina Shikhman, IStories, Holod Media, Novaya Gazeta Europe, and more. Additional content providers will be added in the coming months as well as a new composite channel dedicated to news. The satellite package will consist of up to 25 independent Russian language radio and television channels.
“In a context of a shrinking digital space in the Federation of Russia, the Svoboda Satellite Package is a testament to our unwavering commitment to the right to access journalism and an effort to build upon the resilience of the Russian journalism community in exile. Russian independent media are still read, viewed or heard by 6 to 9% of the adult population, we need to increase their reach. RSF is determined to empower Russian-speaking populations with the tools they need to preserve freedom of opinion. We prove that democracies can export independent journalism, to reverse the logic of propaganda, which is exported by despotic regimes. Instead, we allow independent journalism to be exported from democratic countries toward populations under despotic control.
Christophe Deloire
Secretary-General of RSF
Using the capacities of the latest of the Eutelsat fleet, Hotbird 13, the package, which has been tested since 12 February, will widely be available free to air. Leveraging advanced satellite technology, it guarantees secure and reliable transmission of news content. RSF calls on funders to support the Svoboda Satellite Package as a crucial step toward strengthening the free flow of information in Russia, Belarus and occupied territories of Ukraine.
The channels are currently available to 61 million households across Europe and Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Sergey (last name withheld for security), a Moscow resident, is currently viewing the package. He informed us as follows: "When I learned about the Svoboda Satellite package, I felt grateful to know that such a project exists. I can easily access these new channels on my dish. Thanks to it, we, citizens, can have access to more free, independent, and pluralistic information and thus create our own opinion.”
"Independent media and journalists are in the frontline in the current information warfare. We need to use all possible means to ensure that their work, that facts and information can reach Russian-speaking people. The Svoboda Satellite Package is part of these efforts. Supporting media freedom and fighting disinformation are two sides of the same coin.They are both necessary to defend democratic values."
Vera Jourova, Vice-President of the European Commission
Managed by RSF, the project builds upon the work of the Denis Diderot Committee. The main goal of the committee was to contribute to the restoration of the free flow of information, without war propaganda, between Europe and Russia with a view to providing support to Ukrainian, Russian and Belarusian civil societies. Jim Phillipoff has taken on the role of Project Director. The project’s development and management benefits from the input of the ethics committee, composed of civil society figures advising on the strategy of the project, and the content committee, gathering media executives providing their video and audio content.
"The Diderot Committee launched the idea of a bouquet of independent channels as soon as March 2022. We thank RSF and Eutelsat Group for making this project possible on the Hotbird 13G. We consider that the broadcast of the Svoboda bouquet from the 36°E position must remain the objective."
André Lange
Co-Founder of the The Denis Diderot Committee
Technical Parameters for reception:
Satellite: Hotbird 13G at 13.0E
Transponder: tp 122
Frequency: 10949 MHz
Polarization: Vertical
Symbol rate: 27500 Ksym/s
FEC: 2/3
Modulation: DVB-S2/8PSK
For further information, please contact Jim Philipoffj
The satellites Hotbird 13F and 13G (Source : Eutelsat)
Samples of the programmes from channels of the Svoboda Satelletie Package (Source : Александр Глущенко)

The SVOBODA SATELLITE PACKAGE was officially launched by RSF during a press conference at the European Parliament.
Six television channels and three radio channels are already available on the Hotbird 13G satellite for Russian-speaking populations in Europe, Russia, Belarus and the occupied territories of Ukraine.
“In a context of a shrinking digital space in the Federation of Russia, the Svoboda Satellite Package is a testament to our unwavering commitment to the right to access journalism and an effort to build upon the resilience of the Russian journalism community in exile. Russian independent media are still read, viewed or heard by 6 to 9% of the adult population, we need to increase their reach. RSF is determined to empower Russian-speaking populations with the tools they need to preserve freedom of opinion. We prove that democracies can export independent journalism, to reverse the logic of propaganda, which is exported by despotic regimes. Instead, we allow independent journalism to be exported from democratic countries toward populations under despotic control.
Christophe Deloire
Secretary-General of RSF
The project results from a proposal from Jim Phillipoff and the Denis Diderot Committee launched in March 2022
Technical notice (RSF website)

The package is available on satellite
Hot Bird 13G, in position 13°E
7 TV channels and 3 radio stations.
More to come !

Radio Sakharov

Svoboda: A mix of the top Russian independent journalists, many of whom have been branded foreign agents by the Kremlin, including investigations, hard-hitting reports, and global interest news events. Our content partners include: Novaya Gazete Europe, Dmitry Kolezev, A Pogovorit (Iryna Shykhman), Pavel Kanygin, iStories (Roman Anin), Elizaveta Osetinskaya
DW in Russian : A new channel designed for the Svoboda bouquet by the German international public service broadcaster Deutsche Welle
Gordon Live: Features content from Ukraine’s top journalists, Dmitry Gordon and Olesia Batsman.
Belarus Tomorrow: A new dynamic Belarus news channel born from a partnership between two Belarus independent news outlets, Euroradio and Malanka.
Ost/West 24: A new channel from the Russian language, Berlin-based, Ost/West channel. This channel focuses primarily on news and current events.
TV8 Moldova: TV8 includes international movies and tv shows, as well as local talk shows and news broadcasting, with content in both Moldovan and Russian.
Nastoyashcheye Vremya (Current Time TV): Created by the US organizations Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty and Voice of America. The media sees its task in "promoting democratic values and institutions
Echo: Taken off-air shortly after Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the liberal Echo radio station, (formerly Echo of Moscow), has found a new home in Berlin from where it has resumed the fightback against President Vladimir Putin's propaganda.
Radio Sakharov: Previously this station could only be found on the Internet, it is a radio and podcast platform for those who value intellectual freedom. Including discussion about events in Russia and the world, discuss ideas and trends, comprehend the past, observe the present and try to look into the future
Euroradio: The latest independent news from Belarus, including discussions on politics, economy, culture, social issues

Source : Lyngsat.com

For more information on the channels available on the Hotbird satellites in position 13°E, see the Lyngsat.com listings.
The Ukrainian-Russian channel Freedom is not part of the Svoboda Satellite package, but it is also available for free on Hotbird 13F and 13G satellites

Official Launch Conference European Parliament,
Brussels, 5th March 2024
Andrus Ansip, MEP
Christophe Deloire, RSF General Secretary
Jim Phillipoff
RSF Director of the Svoboda Satellite Project
Věra Jourová,
Vice President European Commission
Olga Prokopieva,
President of Russie-Libertés
Member of the Ethic Committee
Oleg Belichenko, Journalist
Novaya Gazeta Europe,
Member of the Content Committee
Dr. André Lange
Co-founder of the Denis Diderot Committee
Some press articles on the launch of the Svoboda Satellite Package
RSF launches independent Russian DTH service on Eutelsat Hotbird, Broadband TV News, 6.3.2024
Reporters Without Borders Launches Russian-Language Satellite News Package, RFE/RL, 6.3.2024
RSF launches independent journalism via satellite for Russian-speakers, DigitalTVNews, 5.3.2024
RSF launches independent DTH service to combat Russian disinformation, BBC Monitoring, 10.3.2024
Транспондерные новости 14, наверняка заинтересуют, Aspekti.eu, 11.3.2025
RSF pokreće nezavisno novinarstvo putem satelita za govornike ruskog jezika, DVB Portal, 11.3.2024
Satélite 'burla' censura levando jornalismo independente em russo a espectadores da Rússia e Ucrânia, O Progresso Digital, 11.3.2024
Reporters Without Borders launches Svoboda Satellite Package to broadcast independent journalism to Russian-speaking populations, The Insider, 11. 3.2024
Pachetul de satelit Svoboda, lansat de RSF – presă independentă livrată gratuit pentru milioane de vorbitori de limbă rusă, Uniunea Ziariștilor Profesioniști din România, The Union of Professional Journalists of Romania, 11.3.2024
Svoboda Satellite: 25 kanałów na Hot Birdzie?, SatKurier, 10.3.2024
Lancement du bouquet Svoboda, Russie-Libertés, 9.3.2024
/ВИДЕО/ TV8 по спутнику! Как настроить спутниковую платформу "Свобода", TV8, 9.3.2024.
Venäjälle avattiin satelliittipaketti joka lähettää riippumatonta journalismia, Suomi 24, 9.3.2024
Sınır Tanımayan Gazeteciler’den Rus propagandasına karşı Rusça bağımsız medya girişimi, VOA Turkey, 8.3.2024
Алеся Бацман и Савик Шустер, "О презентации в Брюсееле нового проекта по борьбе с российской пропагандой"
(В гостях у Гордона, 8.3.2024)
Репортёры без границ и Евросоюз запустили теле- и радиопакет Свобода, News Opposition, 8.3.2024
Свобода слова | Организация открыла нацеленный на Россию спутниковый пакет, транслирующий независимую журналистику. Sport Game, 8.3.2024
В пакете "Svoboda" на Hotbird будет 25 русскоязычных теле- и радиоканалов, SatWorld.ru, 8.3.2024
RSF lanza un paquete de canales vía satélite para ofrecer periodismo independiente a las poblaciones de habla rusa, Laboratorio de periodisme, 8.3.2024
TV8 стал первым молдавским телеканалом, доступным на спутниковой платформе «Свобода». Охват — 60 млн человек, Nokta, 7.3.2024
25 ! Стало известно, сколько каналов будет на новой русскоязычной платформе «Svoboda» на Hotbird 13 гр. Е., Obob.TV, 7.3.2024
Новый спутниковый пакет "Свобода": никакой пропаганды
Источник: , rua.gr, 7.3.2024
Svoboda, a bouquet of satellite channels as an alternative to Kremlin propaganda, Paudal, 7.3.034
Sat: Russisches Programm-Paket mit 25 Sendern gestartet, Digital Fernsehen, 7.3.2024
PROJEKT "FREIHEIT", Reporter ohne Grenzen starten Sendebetrieb für unabhängige Nachrichten in Russland, Der Standard, 6.3.2024
Reporter ohne Grenzen startet Nachrichtenplattform in Russland, WDR, 6.3.2024
Reporter ohne Grenzen: Mit eigenen Sendern gegen Putins Propaganda, gmx.ch, 6.3.2024
អង្គការអ្នកយកការណ៍គ្មានព្រំដែនបង្ហោះផ្កាយរណបព័ត៌មានឯករាជ្យនៅរុស្ស៊ី, RFI, 6.3.024
Rsf aggira la propaganda di Putin: 9 tv e radio indipendenti trasmettono in Russia via satellite, Primaonline, 6.3.2024
Repórteres Sem Fronteiras levam "informação independente" à Rússia através de rede de satélites, Diario de Noticias, 6.3.2024
Reporteros Sin Fronteras lanza en Rusia un servicio satelital de noticias independientes, RFI, 6.3.2024
Media watchdog launches Russian-language satellite news channels, Macaubusiness.com, 6.3.2024
MIL-OSI Video: Reporters Without Borders RSF’s Svoboda satellite package to Provide Independent Journalism to Russian-Speaking Populations, ForeignAffairs.co.nz, 6.3.2024
RSF lance un bouquet de chaînes en russe, La lettre de l'audiovisuel, 6.3.2024
Russie : RSF lance un satellite pour contourner la censure, RTL, 6.3.2024
Russie : Svoboda, un bouquet de chaînes satellitaire en alternative à la propagande du Kremlin, La Croix, 6.3.2024
Satellitprojekt ske ge ryssar oberoende nyheter, Sveriges Radio, 6.3.2024
Reporter ohne Grenzen Bündelt Russische Exilmedien. Ein Gespräch mit Jürgen Buch, der von Berlin aus für das Studio Moskau arbeitet, RBB, 6.3.2024
Reporter ohne Grenzen startet Nachrichtenplattform in Russland, WDR, 6.3.2024
«Репортёры без границ» и Евросоюз запустили теле- и радиопакет «Свобода», Accentnews.ge, 6.3.2024
В Европе запустили бесплатный пакет спутникового телевидения с контентом независимых российских СМИ, Nashkusk, 6.3.2024
RSF запустил спутниковый пакет «Свобода». На нем будут в РФ и на оккупированных территориях транслироваться девять независимых каналов, RNA News, 6.3.2024
В Европе запустили бесплатный пакет спутникового телевидения с контентом независимых российских СМИ, thetruestory.new, 6.3.2024
«Репортеры без границ» запустили пакет спутниковых каналов для вещания независимых СМИ, он будет доступен и в Беларуси, baj.media, 6.3.2024
«Репортеры без границ» запустили бесплатный спутниковый пакет | Новая газета Европа, Telegram Store, 6.3.2024
"Свобода" против пропаганды: новый спутниковый пакет на русском языке, msn.com, 6.3.2024
«Репортеры без границ» запустили пакет спутниковых каналов для вещания независимых СМИ, он будет доступен и в Беларуси, Mediazona, 6.3.2024
Спутниковый пакет «Свобода» на Hotbird: Репортёры без границ и Евросоюз, Freerutube.info, 6.3.2024
В Европе запустили бесплатный пакет спутникового телевидения с контентом независимых российских СМИ, freecity.lv, 6.3.2024
В Европе запустили бесплатный пакет спутникового телевидения с контентом независимых российских СМИ, The Moscow Times, 6.3.2024
«Свобода»: как смотреть независимое телевидение в Европе, Ost/West, 6.3.2024
/ВИДЕО/ TV8 по спутнику! Как настроить спутниковую платформу "Свобода", TV8.md, 6.3.2024
«Репортери без кордонів» офіційно запустили теле- та радіопакет «Свобода», ua24.news, 5.3.2024
«Репортеры без границ» запустили спутниковое вещание «Эха», «Холода» и других независимых русскоязычных СМИ на территории России, sotavision, 5.3.2024
"Свобода" против пропаганды: бесплатный спутниковый пакет на русском(инструкция), Golos-Kubani, 5.3.2024
"Репортёры без границ" и Евросоюз запустили теле- и радиопакет "Свобода", Svoboda.org, 5.3.2024
"Свобода" против пропаганды: спутниковый пакет на русском, DW.com, 5.3.2024
В Европарламенте презентовали новый проект против российской пропаганды, частью которого стал канал Gordon live, Gordonua.com, 5.3.2024
RSF запустили супутниковий пакет «Свобода» для доступу російськомовної аудиторії до незалежних новин, DetectorMedia, 5.3.2024
«Репортеры без границ» запустили спутниковое вещание независимых русскоязычных СМИ на территории России, TVRain, 5.3.2024
RSF запустил спутниковый пакет «Свобода». На нем в РФ и на оккупированных территориях будут транслироваться независимые СМИ, Novagazeta.eu, 5.3.2024
RSF lança serviço independente de notícias por satélite na Rússia, istoé, 5.3.2024
Букет «Свобода-спутник» от Алесси Бацман, Алеция Бацман рассказывает Дмитрию Гордону о пресс-конференции по запуску группы репортеров без границ (RSF) «Свобода саэтлита», которая только что прошла в пейском парламенте (Брюссель, 5 марта 2024 г.) ЕвроОтрывок с Youtube-канала "В гостях у Гордона", 5.3.2024
RSF Svoboda, Ukrainian Union of Journalists, 5.3.2034
Nace un paquete de canales vía satélite de periodismo independiente para audiencias rusas, El Diario, 5.3.2024
Reportrar utan gränser sänder satellit-tv i Ryssland, Sveriges Radio, 5.3.2024
RSF lança serviço independente de notícias por satélite na Rússia, Folha da Pernambuco, 5.3.2024
RSF lança serviço independente de notícias por satélite na Rússia, BOL, 5.3.2024
Unabhängige Nachrichten für Russland: Reporter ohne Grenzen starten satellitengestützten Sendebetrieb für „Swoboda“, Tagespsiegel, 5.3.204
Reporter ohne Grenzen starten Sendebetrieb in Russland, ORF.at; 5.3.2024
Nace un paquete de canales vía satélite de periodismo independiente para audiencias rusas, Yahoo ! Vida e estilo, 5.3.2024
Reporteros sin Fronteras lanza una plataforma de periodismo independiente para audiencias rusas, EuroEFE, 5.3.2024
Media Watchdog Launches Russian-language Satellite News Channels, Barron's, 5.3.2024
Reporters sans frontières lance Svoboda, un bouquet d’une dizaine de chaînes et de radios, pour contrer la propagande russe, RadioTele Caraïbs, 5.3.2024
Reporters sans frontières lance en Russie un bouquet satellite d'infos indépendantes, L'Orient-Le Jour, 5.3.2024
RSF lance Svoboda, TF1, 5.3.2024
Reporters sans frontières lance en Russie un bouquet satellite d’infos indépendantes, Le Temps, 5.3.2024
Reporters sans frontières lance en Russie un bouquet satellite d'infos indépendantes, TV5 Monde, 5.3.2024
Reporters sans frontières lance en Russie un bouquet satellite "d'informations indépendantes", rts.ch, 5.3.2024
Reporters sans frontières lance un bouquet satellitaire pour contrer la propagande du Kremlin, RTL Info, 5.3.204
Un bouquet satellitaire d'information indépendante lancé par RSF en Russie, CBNews, 5.3. 2024
Reporters sans frontières lance en Russie un bouquet satellite d’infos indépendantes, 20 Minutes, 5.3.2024
Reporters sans frontières lance un bouquet satellite d'infos indépendantes, L'Essentiel, 5.3.2024
Une information indépendante pour la Russie, TF1, 5.3.2024
Reporters sans frontières lance Svoboda, un bouquet d’une dizaine de chaînes et radios, pour contrer la propagande russe, NewsDay.fr, 5.3.2024
Guerre en Ukraine : Reporters sans frontières lance en Russie un bouquet satellite d'infos indépendantes, France-Info, 5.3.2024
Reporters sans frontières lance en Russie un bouquet satellite d’infos indépendantes, Sud-Ouest, 5.3.2024
Séquence du JT de RTL Info, sur le lancement du bouquet Svoboda Satellite de RSF, 5.3.3034
Séquence de l'émission "Quotidien" de TMC, 5 mars 2024 sur le lancement du bouquet Satellite Svoboda de RSF (Pour le public hors de France, accessible sur le site du Comité Diderot).
Svoboda satellite. Welcome to the Svoboda Satellite Package, featuring journalism content for Russian speakers everywhere, RSF, 5.3.2024
Swoboda: Unabhängiger Journalismus per Satellit, Reporter ohne Grenzen, 5.3.2024
RSF официально запускает спутниковый пакет «Свобода» с целью обеспечения независимой журналистики для русскоязычного населения, RSF, 5.3.2024
RSF lanserar satellitpaketet Svoboda–miljoner rysktalande får tillgång till oberoende journalistik, RSF, 5.3.2024
RSF lança oficialmente o pacote de canais via satélite Svoboda para levar o jornalismo independente às populações de língua russa, RSF, 5.3.2024
RSF lanza oficialmente el paquete de canales vía satélite Svoboda para ofrecer periodismo independiente a las poblaciones de habla rusa, RSF, 5.3.2024
RSF Officially Launches Svoboda Satellite Package to Provide Independent Journalism to Russian-Speaking Populations, RSF, 5.3.2004
RSF annonce le lancement prochain d'un bouquet satellitaire Svoboda pour le journalisme indépendant en Russie, RSF, 5.3.2024
RSF révèle qu’une filiale de Canal+ commercialisait jusqu’à hier une chaîne de propagande russe diffusée par SFR, RSF, 5.3.2024
Le Comité Diderot et la Coordination Stop Bloodcasting, Site de l'association Pour l'Ukraine, pour leur libérté et la nôtre, 2.4.2024
Désinformation. Il faut appliquer en France les sanctions de l'UE contre les médias russes, Lemonde.fr, 1.3.2024